We are often asked for a lightweight portable display stand which people can carry around more easily, especially when it comes to taking the kit on a train, plane or even in the back of a taxi.
Well, we have the perfect solution for you.
Fabric displays stands have the advantage of being incredibly light in weight. For example a 3 m wide display packs away into a carrier bag and weighs only about 9 kg. Take a closer look here Formulate 3m
That’s the same as a heavyish bag of shopping.
When it’s assembled it makes a fantastic, high impact display 3 m wide and 2.3 m high. What small it is prints it double sided so that you get double value for money. At a shade over £300 this display is one you should really take a look at before you make a decision on which style to go with.
Don’t forget, you can always call us and speak to a professional for some free expert advice on which stand which suits you best as well as the right size for your dates. This unit is also available in a 2.4m wide format, Formulate 2.4m